Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Dinner

This month's Young Men/Young Women Combined activity was a big night. We had the pleasure of preparing and serving a holiday dinner with all the trimmings to a roomful of our favorite brothers and sisters in the ward.

Everyone had a job, and did it well. The Deacons provided strong arms and big smiles to escort the guests in from the parking lot. The Beehives were buzzing from table to table serving food and clearing plates. The Mia Maids and Teachers worked the room to keep everyone mingling while the Laurels and Priests conducted interviews and recorded the guests telling stories of Christmases gone by.

The evening was brimming with Christmas spirit, and it looked like everyone had a great time. Special thanks go to Sister Vermillion and Sister Graham for the MANY hours of hard work they put into pulling the night together.


Brenna Bee said...

That picture collage is gorgeous!!! You are really amazing! Thank you for doing that! :)

Luann said...

Aw, thanks. And you're welcome. :)

Stacey said...

Looks like everything came together very nicely. I feel so bad about not being there to help out!

Luann said...

We miss you, Stace!