Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tonight's Activity


We are super excited for tonight's activity!! Please bring a favorite stuffed animal with you. We need it for what we're doing. Hope to see you all there!!

Sis. Williams

Saturday, March 28, 2009

YW's Broadcast TONIGHT

Hey Girls, I just wanted to remind everyone of the broadcast tonight. It starts at 6pm in the chapel. I know tonight is preference, too. But we all know that dances are never fun until like 10pm anyway, so that gives you time to come to the broadcast and then still go to the dance in plenty of time! :) Hope to see you all there!!

<3 Sis. Williams

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

An Art Outing

Tonight's activity was an outing to the Harris Fine Art Center on BYU campus. Our main purpose for going was to see a photography exhibit titled "Daughters of Eve" by Whitney Hardie. It was a series of portraits depicting Eve in various stages and pivotal moments of her life.

This is the artist's statement for the exhibit:
Daughters of Eve
is a collection of photographs that seeks to honor Eve and foster respect and admiration for women everywhere.

Eve, as the first woman, represents the essence of femininity to me. She was the crowning creation of our Heavenly Father, though her role has been widely misunderstood throughout history. Eve has been accused of great pride and is generally considered the weaker of the pair. She is often represented as a temptress -- a fallen creature who led to the downfall of all mankind. All of these misconceptions have contributed to the disparaging of the female sex as a whole.

By the light of the restored gospel, we are able to understand Eve's divine role in the Father's plan. She made a choice that set in motion the existence of mankind. She experienced the sweet and the bitter in life, always seeking to know God's will. I honor her decision, I admire her bravery, and I stand in awe of her beautiful daughters who continue on in the legacy she began.

I give my compliments to the artist because her work was both stunning and thought provoking. It prompted us into an interesting discussion about the role of women in the world today, as well as how the treatment of women has evolved through past generations.

To view a gallery of photos from this activity, as well as other youth activities, click here.

(Note: Don't forget that you can "right click" on one of the photos in the gallery to download it. Then you can use the photo in a blog entry and give us your take on the art exhibit. Or you can always just leave a comment here and tell us what you thought. I look forward to hearing from you.)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Back from the Coma

Lets see if we can revive this thing! I've re-invited all the YW to join as authors and really think that we can make some good use of this thing if everyone remembers to check it and read it.

For those of you girls who don't know what an RSS feed is, have an RSS reader, or even know what I'm talking about, you can make it so that you get new posts emailed to you every time there is a new post added. So, let me or Sis. Hawker know if you want that option and we can help you set it up that way so that you don't have to remember this address or check it daily.

I think this would make mass communication much easier, so lets everyone use it! OK?? :)

Sis. Williams

Friday, March 13, 2009

Get Ready to RRRRRRRRRumble!

Thanks go to the Teacher's Quorum for arranging last Tuesday's combined activity, which was an action packed round of gym hockey. Hockey sticks and youth were flying around the gym like you wouldn't believe, and some of the leaders even got in on the action. Everyone seemed to have a great time and the final score was pretty close, but the game ended with a tie breaking goal. Kudos to all involved for showing top notch sportsmanship. You guys rock!